Safety disclaimer: Any injury can be made worse by inappropriate use of mobility tools. 
Please consult with your medical professional if you have any pre-existing issues or have concerns about using a mobility tool.

Hamstring  |  Quad/Anterior Hip  |  Gluteal Region  |  Calf  |  Foot



Sit in a firm wooden chair, place your unit under your hamstring between the chair and your hamstring and go through several rounds of extending and flexing your leg at the knee. You can also hold your leg straight in extension and circle your ankle. Shift the unit slight higher or lower on your leg and repeat.

Quad/Anterior Hip


Lay on your stomach on the floor, place the unit under your quadriceps and go through several rounds of extending and flexing your leg. If you wish to increase intensity place a yoga block between your unit and the floor, particularly when moving up towards the anterior hip.


Gluteal Region

Your glutes can be worked by the same technique as your hamstrings - sit on a firm wooden chair, place the unit between your glutes and the chair and do several rounds of extension / flexion at the knee. As an alternative for increased intensity or access to the upper gluteal region your Moba can be placed on the floor and rolled conventionally.



For targeting specific areas sit in a chair, cross the leg being mobilized over your other knee and firmly press your unit by hand into your calf muscle. Direct pressure will be effective, but you can also experiment with twisting the unit to break up adhesions or gently shaking while maintaining pressure.

For more global calf mobilization sit on a workout bench or the floor, place the unit between your calf and the floor, and with a straight knee go through a series of flexion and extension at the ankle. Shift the unit up or down your calf and repeat.

To increase intensity bring your other leg on top of the leg being mobilized.


The foot can be mobilized by hand when sitting in a chair, crossing your foot over the opposite knee and pressing or twisting your unit by hand into the arch. A simpler alternative would be to place your unit on the floor and roll your arch over it while seated or standing - the perfect foot massage!